Publication Stuff

Critical review of scientific publications can be an overwhelming task. Writing scientific papers can be challenging with many different formats and requirements. The analysis of data often requires complicated formulas and statistical theories. Provided below is a list of links to resources that focus on all aspects of publication. 

Checklist for Authors Acta Cytologica – International Academy of Cytology
Author Instructions American Journal of Clinical Pathology
How to write a Scientific Research Paper Columbia University
How to write a Medical Research Paper American Society of Cytopathology
Analyse-It Analyse-it Software, Ltd, Leeds, England
Submit Online Analytical & Quantitative Cytology & Histology – International Academy of Cytology
Submission of Manuscripts Archives of Histology and Cytology – International Soc. Histology & Cytology
Instructions for CytoJournal authors CytoJournal – BioMed Central
Author Guidelines Cytopathology – British Society for Clinical Pathology
For Authors Diagnostic Cytopathology – Wiley Interscience
Uniform Requirements for Articles Submitted to Biomedical Journals International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
Instructions for Authors Journal of Molecular Diagnostics – Association for Molecular Pathology/ASIP

Critical review of scientific publications can be an overwhelming task. Writing scientific papers can be challenging with many different formats and requirements. The analysis of data often requires complicated formulas and statistical theories. Provided below is a list of links to resources that focus on all aspects of publication. 

Find a Statistical Consultant in Your Area Acta ASA Directory of Statistical Consultants
Statistical Calculators Cancer Research and Biostatistics
How to Analyze Data Frequency Table

Binomial Confidence Interval

Find Information About Clinical Trials The Society for Clinical Trials
Excel Statistics Software Program statistiXL
